Make sure that your window has enough depth to accommodate the product you have chosen. If your window does not have the required depth, choose another product, or an outside recess.
Provide the exact window opening size. Take NO deductions. The factory will ensure that your product will fit neatly in the window and will operate properly. Please note that inside recess roller blinds will have a vertical light gap between the shade and the window frame of approximately 3/4" on either side to accommodate the operating mechanisms.
Width: For all blinds record the width at the top of the window only. Use a steel rule measuring tape. Measurements can be given in both metric and imperial sizes.
Measure the height in 2 places; left and right. Use the shortest measurement for Vertical Blinds. For all other blinds and shades, use the longest measurement.
On your notes, clearly indicate which measurement is the width and which is the height. It is very common to transpose measurements. Always indicate the WIDTH measurement first, then the HEIGHT last. (W x H)
Outside recess:
Specify the exact width and height you want your product. Your product will be made to the exact size you specify.
You should include additional height for the mounting brackets, which are up to 2 1/2" tall.
Add extra width on the sides, top and bottom for more privacy and light blockage.
Be aware of obstructions like molding, doorknobs/deadbolts and window handles that might get in the way of your blind. Also consider the opening of the window if it is a tilt and turn frame.
On your notes, clearly indicate which measurement is the width and which is the height. It is very common to transpose measurements. Always indicate the WIDTH measurement first, then the HEIGHT last. (W x H)
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork andouille corned beef bresaola pork chop. Chuck picanha sirloin capicola, t-bone boudin turkey chislic doner cupim porchetta pork chop ham pancetta meatball. Doner t-bone chuck shoulder pancetta. Hamburger pork spare ribs, turkey leberkas beef ribs chuck kielbasa corned beef ham jerky pork belly flank short ribs.
Kevin bacon landjaeger tri-tip t-bone pork belly, tenderloin jerky turducken jowl. Ribeye spare ribs kielbasa tenderloin salami. Chislic jerky tenderloin jowl shoulder biltong buffalo ham chuck tail porchetta. Ham hock picanha pancetta andouille, kielbasa hamburger bresaola. Beef short loin strip steak landjaeger capicola.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork andouille corned beef bresaola pork chop. Chuck picanha sirloin capicola, t-bone boudin turkey chislic doner cupim porchetta pork chop ham pancetta meatball. Doner t-bone chuck shoulder pancetta. Hamburger pork spare ribs, turkey leberkas beef ribs chuck kielbasa corned beef ham jerky pork belly flank short ribs.
Kevin bacon landjaeger tri-tip t-bone pork belly, tenderloin jerky turducken jowl. Ribeye spare ribs kielbasa tenderloin salami. Chislic jerky tenderloin jowl shoulder biltong buffalo ham chuck tail porchetta. Ham hock picanha pancetta andouille, kielbasa hamburger bresaola. Beef short loin strip steak landjaeger capicola.
We use the lastest up-to-date blind technology.
Alpine Blinds is an experienced blind company.
All blinds are bespoke and made on site by our skilled tradespeople.
We follow all recommended safety procures for staff and customers.
All our products and services are reasonably priced.
Alpine Blinds has numerous safisfied customers.